- Take
appropriate and frequent stretch breaks.
- Avoid
shoulder-cradling your phone.
- Keep
frequently used items within an easy reach.
- Wear
wrist braces only while resting arms.
- Maintain
proper posture, paying careful attention to positioning of head,
neck/spine, arms/wrists, hips/thighs and feet.
- Alternate
between different postures on a regular basis.
- When
keyboarding, use minimal force while striking the keys.
- Use
a light touch while using your mouse, avoid holding your fingers
raised above the mouse, and keep it as close to your mid-line
as possible.
- Keep
a neutral position, where forearms, wrists, and hands are in
a straight line.
- Avoid
awkward reaching for work tools such as telephone, mouse and
reference materials.
- Avoid
resting elbows, forearms or wrists on hard surfaces or sharp
- Take
frequent mini-breaks throughout the day to give muscles and
joints a chance to rest and recover.
- Alternate
between work activitiesuse different muscle groups to
avoid overuse of any particular muscle.
- Give
eyes a break by closing them momentarily, gazing at a distant
object and blinking frequently.
- Maintain
appropriate light levels for specific tasks. More illumination
may be needed to read a document than to view a computer screen.
- Reduce
or eliminate glare by using window shades, diffusers on overhead
lighting, and anti-glare filters for computers when necessary.
- Avoid
long periods of repetitive activity. For example, alternate
computer work with other tasks like phone calls, filing, copying
and meetings.
- Vary
tasks to make the day more interesting. For example, deliver
a message in person instead of phoning.
- Organize
your workload to help even out busy and slow times, and to avoid
feeling "swamped."
- Reduce
stress by planning ahead and setting realistic expectations
for what you can accomplish during the workday.
- Learn
the keyboard commands. This will save time, and will avoid overuse
of the mouse.